The beta version of Joomla Engine Integration, JConnect, is now available to the users. Its features include:
1. Dual login, which implies the possibility to work on different websites without loging in every time.
2. User synchronization, that allows you to synchronize users between ExaPP and Joomla.
3. Dual-way communication,which means that any modifications you will implement will affect both Joomla and ExApp.
4. Admin panel which is distinguished by ease at use and allows you to control all the options without difficulties.
5. Activity module.
At present JConnect supports only Elgg as an External Application,so you will need an Elgg plugin, which you can download here.
In order to download JConnect Engine, please follow this link.
You can also get all necessary documentation to learn how to Install and configure JConnect with Elgg.
Hi I’m the person who develop JConnect . And Now It’s Renamed as JConnekt (
You can download it from here. (
and help for installation can be found here too