Rise of Technology is a Christmas joomla theme which will meet most sophisticated requirements as far as the look and feel of a website. The template’s lovely 3D color schemes and thought-out layout structure are just the reasons why this template is a top choice for all Joomla fans.
Supported features:
Joomla 1.5 Compatibility
3-columns Support
Various promo/logo area options
Various color schemes – blue/orange, green/orange, etc.
Two pre-defined sections (USER 1 and USER 2) for posting Latest News, Archive, Polls, etc.
Many other useful options
To make use of our new Rise of Technology Joomla 1.5 template you should follow a few easy steps:
1. Download the template and unpack it;
2. Upload it into your your-joomla1.5.x-installation/templates/ directory via FTP or by browsing the template’s zip archive from Extensions » Install/Uninstall and pushing the Upload File & Install button;
3. Set the template as default from Extensions » Template Manager, by selecting it and pushing the Default button.
Great theme! Thank you!..