XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> TrentCo Joomla Template
Free Joomla Templates / TrentCo Joomla Template
Do you need a professional eye catching Joomla web- site design? FlashMint ready to present wide variety of high quality XHTML/CSS Joomla web designs.

TrentCo undoubtedly will become very popular among free joomla themes. It is a single-column centered skin with clean and sharp design. Being driven by CSS/HTML code, Trentco is Joomla 1.0.x compatible.

TrentCo Joomla Template

TrentCo Joomla Template

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10 Responses to “TrentCo Joomla Template”
  1. David says:

    Does anyone know if TrentCo is available in Joomla 1.5x?


  2. admin says:

    It’s both for Joomla 1.0 and 1.5

  3. Justin Smith says:

    What is a text module, were do i get one,
    working with joomla 1.5 new to this, what am i missing or dont i know

  4. Hello:

    If you want to add content like articles, you do this through the Content Manager.

    If you want to ADD a module for content management, then you have to upload it and install it. Check out Joomla.org extensions and be sure whatever you select is compatible with the version of Joomla that you have.

    Let me know what you are trying to do and I will help if I can.

    Suneva Lightfoot

  5. Delliana says:

    Hi Great Template! I can’t wait to use it!
    Is there a forum about this template? I would like to make the image as large as possible with as little as possible as far as menus etc. -to use this for the front page- then they’d have to “enter here” to go to what is currently set as the front page!

  6. Philip says:

    Looks nice – I’ll give it a shot.

  7. Rob says:

    Anybody install this template and willing to share?

    Its a nice one for sure…

    On the sample image, how does one make the horizontal text at the bottom space that nicely with the vertical bars… I can’t seem to get the text spacing to open up that nicely.

    To the question about image width… edit the HTML and CSS files to grow the image. Good luck.

  8. Knuckle+Head says:

    working on the trentco template. How do I change the ‘trentco’ title front page top left.

    I want to make this area text. I want to be able to easily change what the title is.

    All help would be appreciated.


  9. Dillon says:

    To change the logo on top left, right click and view image properties. Find the image location on your server and replace it with a logo that you created. The logo you create must be saved as “logo.jpg” unless you change this in the php/css files. Your new logo must also have the same dimensions as in the image properties unless you change those in the php/css files as well.

  10. yocheved says:

    When I try to set the URLs to be search engine friendly, the whole template breaks. Has anyone else had this issue? Anyone know why, or how to fix that?

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